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Sue Partenheimer

Sue Partenheimer, writer



After a forty-three year successful career as a medical technologist at the Altoona Hospital laboratory, Sue enters the world of fiction writing with a big wave of powerful stories about little marine conservationists who are busy taking care of the ocean and of each other.

Sue currently lives in Pennsylvania with her furry friends, both domestic and wild, who are a constant source of tales and inspiration. She continues to write and share new stories with the Altoona Writers Guild.

In this video, Sue shares how the sea creatures from The Castor Oil Rig Tales have helped her stay creative during the 2020 pandemic.


Robert Brock Pronko, writer



Robert brings over two decades of experience as a journalist, three years of teaching courses on human space exploration for the NASA Space Grant Consortium, and lifelong battle scars from loves lost to bear on his first novel..

A woman and a dog.

Rada Alexandrova, writer-contributor




Rada brings to our team the experiences of a millennial newcomer to the U.S. and stories from her childhood of mysteries, prophecies, and Eastern European tales.

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Michael Bourgo, writer



Michael is no longer with us., but his poetry will live forever!

Michael started out to be a history teacher but ended up spending 34 years at IBM in sales and customer service. He began writing as a casual hobby some thirty years ago, but since retirement it has become a vocation that he pursues on a daily basis.
Michael has worked with us on several projects. He published his first audio book A to Z Animal Antics, a collection of poetry for children. Also, as a three-time winner of the Pennsylvania state Grand Prize poetry contest, Michael was invited to further  share his passion for poetry   in an experimental anthology for which  he not only reviewed and guided the English translation but generously contributed to the collection as well. In this video Michael shares his experiences working with us.

More of Michael's work can be found at:

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Mitka Angelova, writer



Mitka is no longer with us, but her stories will live forever!

Mitka has worked as a science teacher, a scientist in the field of applied nuclear physics, and as a university instructor in Sofia, Bulgaria. Throughout her career, Mittie has passionately involved her students in fun learning activities.

Until recently Mittie was involved in consulting for the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria. At age of 88, she lives in Sofia and enjoys playing with her great-grandchildren.

Pavlina Michailova Author of From Season to Season

Pavlina Michailova, writer



Our debut poet is a well-known Bulgarian journalist, author, environmentalist, doctor, passionate hiker. A big nature lover, Pavlina uses Saturdays to climb the summit of Vitosha Mountain, ascend that can be challenging even for seasoned mountaineers. Only there, alone, she finds what had been lost over the week and loses what had been needless. Or writes a poem or two. In this anthology, Pavlina shares some of her poems as created up there, one season after another.

Namrata Agarwal Author of The Grasshopper and the Owl

Namrata Agarwal, writer



Namrata Agarwal is a children’s  book writer. She has written picture books - Misha series and The Grasshopper and the Owl. She has also written for children’s magazines.

Her debut book was awarded Purple DragonFly award. Visit Namrata's website:

Also, connect with her via Twitter @namrataagarwal and

in LinkedIn at

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Cynthia Taylor Billotte, writer



With a mastery of an Altoona Writer’s Guild member and expertise of a Titanic memorabilia collector, our debut author lures us to the enchanted world  of Sunbrook Mansion Bed and Breakfast and takes time to unveil its elegance and beauty, its breakfast smells and mysterious jasmine fragrance.  Her style is calm and soothing even when trouble and deep secrets are unfolding.  Her main characters are everyday people with big dreams and big hearts. 

Slavy Stoev Author of City Hearts

Slavy Stoev, author



Slavy is a child psychologist who uses his writing as a medium to promote children's personal development.  Through his books, Slavy talks to children about important things that happen in and around them. His greatest reward as an author is when parents tell him how the texts have helped their child discover something important and valuable in her life.

His silent book City Hearts, illustrated by our longtime contributor Melina-Elina Bondokova, emphasizes the significance of one's ability to connect, understand, and accept.

All of Slavy's books can be found here:


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Keith Wheeland, author



Keith Wheeland joined the Nittany Grotto caving club in 1952 and was awarded honorary life membership to the club in 1985.

In 1953, Keith became a member of the National Speleological Society (NSS) and in 1969, he became a member of the Butler Cave Conservation Society (BCCS).

Keith contributed to the Caves of the Burnsvile Cove, Virginia, Fifty years of Exploration and Science, published in 2015, to the Encyclopedia of Caves, first edition, and co-authored the Speleo Digest 25-year Cumulative Index, 1956 Through 1980.

In his chronological memoir called Keith: Uncommon Adventures of a Common Man, our debut author shares many of his caving stories and adventures in and outside of Pennsylvania and the U.S.

He also retells other uncommon adventures of his life of 89 years as a common man including the fact that his tonsils were removed on the European V-Day and that he, being nine, joked that the whole town was celebrating his successful operation with fireworks. 

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